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Newsletter 4

6 Feb 2018

Financial Market Correction

As you may be aware the US stock market has fallen over the last few days and consistent with previous corrections it has flowed across the world, including Australia. It is important not to panic as any potential losses are not realised unless you sell. Historically, the market will eventually recover to pre-correction levels. See Vanguard chart (Click Here) and look at the 1987, 2000/01 and 2007/08 corrections and you will see the recovery. Once the market stabilises it will be a good time to buy at lower prices. This means that you have dollar averaged your portfolio buying price and you are positioning yourself for the recovery.

The key point is that we wish to re-assure you and not to panic and remind you that financial markets are more transparent in terms of current pricing (value), unlike the property market where you only really know the value of a property on the day its sold.  

If you wish to discuss, please feel free to contact me.

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